Transforming Rage to Power

How to use your anger to motivate action and align your values with your work

Samantha Lewis
5 min readOct 8, 2020

Written & researched in collaboration with Gabi Skoff.

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A funny thing happened to me early on in my current relationship. My partner pointed out that whenever the topic of sexism came up in conversation, my entire energy would change. My body would have an actual physiological response, as emotions clouded my brain. After some reflection, I realized my response was triggered by resentment from an entire life dealing with sexism, gender biases, and societal constructs.

Women — no matter how far up the ladder, they may climb — face constant pressure from these same taxing constraints every day, as evidenced by the Vice Presidental Debate and the commentary surrounding it.

Image via The Recount on Twitter

I realized something important. During conversations around sexism, the emotional flooding I experienced prevented me from even having a productive discussion on the topic. And the more I learned about the injustices resulting from systemic sexism (the wealth gap, the pay gap, and just released today, VC funding for female



Samantha Lewis
Samantha Lewis

Written by Samantha Lewis

Venture Capitalist at Mercury. Blockchain and fintech will solve our world’s biggest challenges. Opinions are my own.

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